simulate your monthly tax cost
E-Tech hybrid and E-Tech 100% electric technology makes our Renault range a great choice for company car drivers. Our calculator is designed for employees who will be able to use their company vehicle for personal use.
The amount you're required to pay in tax will depend on factors including the price of your vehicle (its P11D value), your vehicle's CO2 emissions, electric-only mileage range, and your annual earnings. You can search by model, or search by budget to help you identify your perfect Renault.
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This simulator is for illustrative purposes only based on the data submitted above. The actual income tax you pay for a company car may differ depending on the P11D value determined immediately before its registration, the CO2 emissions confirmed on the V5, the zero emission range confirmed on the certificate of conformity (where appropriate). Additional factors relating to your personal tax position can also have an impact such as whether you were offered a cash allowance instead of a company car and if your employer pays for your fuel for private use. Renault UK Limited does not offer tax advice, please seek further specialist assistance with regards to your particular tax position, if required.
CO2 emissions are certified using a standard, regulatory method, WLTP (Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures). It is identical for all manufacturers and allows vehicle fuel consumption and CO2 figures to be compared. WLTP figures shown for comparability purposes and doesn’t reflect actual real-world driving results. Depending on optional accessories fitted WLTP figures may differ, resulting in a different Co2/ benefit-in-kind (BIK) rates.
BIK rates are set by HMRC and apply to the above listed vehicles registered for the tax year 2022 to 2023. BIK rates will remain frozen until the 2024 to 2025 tax year but HMRC can vary them at any time. For further information please refer to;
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